“I did all this in one great day at Futuroscope. Opened in 1987, Futuroscope is one of the largestspace-age parks in the world. This science and technology-based theme park in France uses the mostadvanced technology. Its 3-D cinemas and giant movie screens provide brand new experiences ofthe earth and beyond. Visitors can get close to parts of the world they have never experienced, goingto the bottom of the ocean, flying through the jungle or visiting the edges of the solar system. Theamazing, up-to-date information together with many opportunities for hands- on learning makes theworld come to life in a completely new way for visitors. Learning centres throughout the park letvisitors try their own scientific experiments, as well as learn more about space travel, the underseaworld and much more.”
“I bought tickets for myself and my friends at the park "s entrance, but tickets are also availableonline. Futuroscopeis not only for individuals, but is also the pertect mix of fun and learning foronassu tings Clases or other large groups that let Furscopee know their plans in advance can
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